AP Digital Edge Training - Computer Science A & JavaScript: Jeannie Turner & John Meinzen




Home | Thur, 8July | Fri, 9July | Sat, 10July

Morning Session I : Lessons 6 & 7 [9:30-11:00am]

Recap and Reflection of Lessons - Jeannie

  • Lesson 1 - Intro to Java and JavaScript

  • Lesson 2 - Variables and Data

  • Lesson 3 - Functions and Methods

  • Lesson 4 - Program Flow

  • Lesson 5 - standard Java API and JavaScript DOM

Lesson 6 - Strings, Arrays, and JavaScript objects and expressions L84-L93 - Jeannie

  • Stage 1: Plan - http://mathstretch.com/js/Lesson6.html

    Stage 2: Teach

    • Anticipatory Set

    • Modeling

      • Activity 1 -

    • Checking for Understanding

    • Guided Practice

    Stage 3: Assess

    • Assessments

    • Independent Practice

    Stage 4: Act - Supplemental Resources

Lesson 7 - create a program using custom JavaScript objects (with database type functionality) L94-L99 - Jeannie

  • Stage 1: Plan http://mathstretch.com/js/Lesson7.html

    Stage 2: Teach

    • Anticipatory Set

    • Modeling

      • Activity 1 -

    • Checking for Understanding

    • Guided Practice

    Stage 3: Assess

    • Assessments

    • Independent Practice

    Stage 4: Act - Supplemental Resources

Morning Session II : Lessons 7 continued [11:15-1:00pm]

...see Morning Session I

Afternoon Session I : Lessons 8 & 9 [2:00 - 3:30pm]

Lesson 8 - Debugging Techniques L100-L118 - John

  • Stage 1: Plan - 3 types of errors: Syntax, Runtime, and Logic

    Stage 2: Teach

    • Anticipatory Set - program developers are expected to deliver fully debugged and tested code

    • Modeling - HTML


      <!doctype html>

      <html lang="en">

      <meta charset="utf-8">

      <title>Lesson 8 - Debugging JavaScript using the Developers Tools in a browser</title>

      <script src="lesson8Debug.js"></script>



      <p>Lesson 8 - Debugging JavaScript using the Developers Tools in a browser </p>

      <p><input type="button" onClick="swapImages()" value=" Swap/Rotate">Click to Swap or Rotate Images</input></p>

      <img src="0.gif" id="AceClubs">

      <p id="slot0">Ace of Clubs </p>

      <img src="1.gif" id="twoClubs">

      <p id="slot1">Two of Clubs </p>

      <img src="2.gif" id="threeClubs">

      <p id="slot2">Three of Clubs </p>



    • Modeling - JavaScript


      // Lesson 8 Debugging JavaScript

      // Good programming practice includes following strict programming guidelines
      // "use strict" also helps find Syntax Errors that would otherwise fail silently
      "use strict"

      function swapImages() {
      // No errors to get the first image from the DOM
      var firstImage = window.document.getElementById("AceClubs");

      /* Error Type 1: JavaScript SYNTAX ERROR, forgetting an assignment (=).
      * Console error message will "assume" that there is a missing semicolon (;)
      * after declaration of the secondImage variable.
      var secondImage window.document.getElementById("twoClubs");
      // Error Type 1: Correct Syntax
      var secondImage = window.document.getElementById("twoClubs");

      /* Error Type 2: JavaScript RUNTIME ERROR, misspelling a function name.
      * May generate a Console Error for a generic "TypeError"
      * May generate a Debugger Error where an Exception variable can be inspected.
      * Often caused by trying to access an object (method/property)
      * that does not exist in the DOM.
      alert("the next line has a Runtime Error");
      var thirdImage = window.document.getElementByID("threeClubs");

      // Error Type 2: Correct RunTime method call
      var thirdImage = window.document.getElementById("threeClubs");

      /* Error Type 3: JavaScript LOGIC ERROR, not swapping the intended images.
      * No Console messages but the X/HTML does not display
      * swapped/rotated images as expected. Instead, it duplicates
      * one of the images.
      firstImage.src = secondImage.src;
      secondImage.src = thirdImage.src
      thirdImage.src = firstImage.src;

      // Error Type 3: Correct logic to swap to rotate the images
      var temp = firstImage.src;
      firstImage.src = secondImage.src;
      secondImage.src = thirdImage.src
      thirdImage.src = temp;

      /** The following code is an older approach to debugging scripts prior to the
      * Developers Tools in browsers. It will not catch Syntax Errors but can
      * detect many Runtime Errors.
      window.onerror = function (msg, url, line) {
      alert("ERROR: " +msg + "\n" + url + "\n" + "line: " + line);
      return true;

    • Checking for Understanding

    • Guided Practice - identify and correct each of 3 types of errors using Developer's Tools: Lesson8Debug.htm, lesson8Debug.js, 0.gif, 1.gif, 2.gif

    Stage 3: Assess

    • Assessments - L115-117 may be more challenging for students to answer.

    • Independent Practice - L113-114 (student page 54) - have students swap the labels of the images so that they correspond with the swapped images...see lesson8Solutions.js

    Stage 4: Act - Supplemental Resources

Lesson 9 - Programs involving multiple interactive Java classes and developing JavaScript interactive forms L119-L136 - John

  • Stage 1: Plan -

    • This Lesson starts with minimal HTML and complete JavaScript code that the teacher can simply assign students to copy or as a reference for more complex assignments/projects.

    • Bottom-up Design (10 ft view, 100ft, and 1,000 ft views) starts with a modification to the DOM by creating a simple form element and one button. More functional and flexible DOM modifications are made during the 2nd step. The 3rd and final step ends with abstracted methods using parameters to complete the complex DOM modification.

    Part 1 has one HTML file and a sequence of three JavaScript files.

    Part 2 has only one HTML file and one JavaScript file

    Stage 2: Teach

    • Anticipatory Set - it is important to demonstrate to students that the Lesson9 Part 1 HTML files initially have NO FORMS or FORM ELEMENTS. However, Part 2 focuses on SORTING of pre-filled array of form elements.

        Initial Lesson 9 Part 1 HTML file...no Forms
        <!doctype html>
        <html lang="en">
        	<meta charset="utf-8">
        	<title>Lesson 9 Part 1 - adding Forms dynamically with Javascript</title>
        	<script src="lesson9Part1SeqA.js"></script> 
        	<script src="lesson9Part1SeqB.js"></script> 
        	<script src="lesson9Part1SeqC.js"></script> 
        <body onLoad="myMainMethod()">
        	<p>Lesson 9 Part 1 - Javascript with Forms</p>
    • Modeling

      • Activity 1: L125 - 127 (Steps 1-7) covers lesson9Part1SeqA.js - dynamically adds a basic form and one button to HTML

        Activity 2: L127 - 128 (Steps 8-9) covers lesson9Part1SeqB.js - adds radio, text and buttons by functionally dividing each form element into 3 distinct methods.

        Activity 3: L128 (Steps 11-12) covers lesson9Part1SeqC.js - Sorting. Also, completes the abstraction of multiple form elements by creating re-usable methods with parameters.

    • Checking for Understanding - L125 (student pg 54) has students sort the array in descending order

    • Guided Practice - L129 more sorting algorithms at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorting_algorithm. Students may also combine sorting algorithm with a parameter to decide if ascending or descending order could be used.

    Stage 3: Assess

    • Assessments - L133 contains short answer "design" questions with free response question more challenging algorithm.

    • Independent Practice - students may know that JavaScript comes with its own sort() method but is not on list of objectives.

    Stage 4: Act - Supplemental Resources

Afternoon Session II : Lesson 10 [3:45 - 5:00pm]

Lesson 10 - Students design a program with JavaScript L137-L154 - John

  • Stage 1: Plan -

    • This Lesson starts with working and complete code that the teacher can simply assign students to copy or as a reference for more complex assignments/projects.

    • Top-Down Design (10,000 ft view) of Supply-Demand negotiation between a Supplier and a Consumer. Drill down (1 ft view) to the concept of the concept of a (Quantity, Price) point.

    • Supply-Demand Curve

    Stage 2: Teach - the Top-Down process is the same for many larger computer science projects

    • Anticipatory Set -

      • Supplier = Farmers will offer a Quantity of oranges at a specific Price [more quantity, higher price]

      • Demand/Consumer = Orange Juice Manufacturer will want less Quantity of oranges the higher the Price [higher price, less quantity]

      • How do we define this (Quantity, Price) relationship...as a 2D Point.

    • Modeling

      • Part 1 - L144 lists four steps in the Top-Down design approach:

        1. From a description to object-oriented design features (data and functional decomposition): an EconPoint has a (Quantity, Price) relationship

        2. From data and functions to class-like structures (UML diagrams): need a constructor, check for equality and toString function to test.

        3. From UML to writing the class/prototype using variables/fields and methods/constructors: EconPointClass(), isEqualQuantity(otherQ), isEqualPrice(otherP), toString()

        4. From a class definition to instantiating then testing EconPointClass objects

      • Part 2 - L147 is "on-the-fly" HTML modifications as well as Arrays of EconPointClass objects

    • Checking for Understanding - give students paper copy of HTML & JavaScript files.

    • Guided Practice

      • Part 1

        1. Lesson10.htm - highlight the :

          A. three JavaScript files - lesson10EconPointClass.js, lesson10EconPointTest.js, lesson10ModifyDOM.js

          B. First automatic method call - <body onload="myMainTestMethod()">,

          C. Second method call - <input ... onClick="myAddEconPontsToTableData()"...>

          Note that the "Press to Fill Table" is explained in Part 2. This 2nd table "works" in Part 1 and can be used as student motivation for expanding the features of this lesson to include full Consumer-Producer curves.

        2. lesson10EconPoint.js - defines the following "class-like" features:

          • EconPointClass() constructor function/method with two parameters that define quantity and price variables/fields.
          • isEqualQuantity(otherQ) method to illustrate inheritance by extending the prototype object
          • isEqualPrice(otherP) method to illustrate inheritance by extending the prototype object
          • toString() method which is useful for testing the EconPoint objects
        3. lesson10EconPointTest.js - tests the ability to declare, instantiate and call methods from EconPointClass objects. This uses the console.log() feature of a browser's Developers' Tools. Teachers can also use the alert() method.

      • Part 2

        1. lesson10ModifyDOM.js - illustrates how to construct a linear Array of EconPointClass objects and add to the table.

        2. Edit Lesson10.htm so that the body tag looks like: <body onload="myMainMethod()">

        3. Point out that myMainMethod() creates a single EconPointClass object at (10,10) and updates the first table in the HTML.

        4. Point out that myAddEconPointsToTableData() method creates an Array of EconPointClass objects using linear model y=mx+b using a loop.

    Stage 3: Assess

    Stage 4: Act - Supplemental Resources (not complete)


Daily Checkout Card: