Java Notes

Look and Feel


Default cross-platform Look and Feel

Java cross-platform Look & Feel is the default, so you don't have to set it. This is the most portable.

System Look and Feel

Some think the user experience is better when a program matches the system L&F, eg, on Windows the program has a Windows L&F (as in the example below), on the Macintosh it will use the standard Macintosh L&F. The only change to the code that produced the sample above was to set the L&F. The components have a different shape, size, and appearance.

Here's how to use the System L&F. Be sure it's the first thing in main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception unused) {
        ; // Ignore exception because we can't do anything.  Will use default.
    . . .

Examples of other L&Fs

Alpha software. The Napkin L&F makes software look like it's under construction, which prevents a slick looking interface from making your customer think the program is almost finished.

After downloading the appropriate .jar file and making sure it's in the classpath, set it as follows.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
        UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new net.sourceforge.napkinlaf.NapkinLookAndFeel());
    } catch (Exception unused) {
        ; // Ignore exception because we can't do anything.  Will use default.
    . . .

Alternate look. You simply might prefer a different look. For example, here's Liquid L&F.

Where to find and how to install other Look and Feels

Finding. You can use Google to find L&Fs, but is a good place to start. It has samples and links to a number of free and for-pay custom L&Fs.

Installing other L&Fs is done by putting the .jar file (eg, napkinlaf.jar) in the CLASSPATH, and make the appropriate call as above.

NetBeans installation is relatively easily done by a right-click on the project, selecting Properties, click on Libraries and then Add JAR/Folder and select the L&F .jar file.