The College Board Advanced Placement™ Computer Science-Principles Summer Institute: Mr. John Meinzen

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Morning Session : Planning Your Course

Lesson 4: AP CSP Curricular Requirements

Key Understandings

  • 5.A The curricular requirements ensure that all AP course instructors teach a college-level course.


ALL AP CSP Teachers MUST start the Course Audit Process.

...starting in 2020-21 and continuing through 2025 : Requirements for all AP CSP teachers.



  • Highly experience AP teachers may want to create their own AP CSP curriculum...please talk to John if you wish to pass the Audit Process using your own curriculum.

  • If you don't feel the need (or prepared) to create your own curriculum for AP CSP and would prefer to use an Endorsed Provider's curriculum (details in Lesson 5), please skip Lesson 4 Participant Activity and move on to Lesson 5.

  • You may start your Course Audit by submitting or adopting a syllabus during this APSI...this approach may take less than 15 minutes.

  • If in doubt about your Audit, ask for help before end of Day may need your school's/district's AP Coordinator's contact to enable your access to AP Classroom later this week!


Syllabus & Audit Process for AP teachers


Definitions & Insights

  • Syllabus: The syllabus is a course-long plan that includes explicit evidence that each AP curricular requirement is addressed in the course. It is also a document that the teacher submits to the College Board as part of the Audit Process to receive course Authorization

  • Audit Process: A process whereby the College Board -

    1. receives an electronic copy of the syllabus from the teacher (requires teacher to have a College Board login) via one of the following approaches:

      1. Upload a teacher-generated syllabus - very challenging

      2. Adopt the syllabus of another teacher's approved syllabus (need their approved syllabus ID number) - usually usedif 2 or more AP teachers are teaching the same course at the same school.

      3. Adopt an Approved Endorsed Provider's syllabus - most new AP CSP teachers take this route.

    2. receives an electronically submitted Audit Form from an "AP Coordinator" (usually a school administrator who needs to have a College Board login) and then

    3. has an experienced College Professor review the teacher's submitted syllabus to ensure that their syllabus addresses all of the curricular requirements listed in the official Course & Exam Description (CED).

    4. The audit is an annual process.

    5. However, after the first year's Approval, the school's AP Coordinator can usually renew the course authorization without additional submissions from the teacher.

  • Course Audit Form: This form lists all curricular and resource requirements of the AP course. Through AP Course Audit accounts,the form is completed by the teacher, submitted by the teacher to the school's AP Coordinator for approval, and finalized by the school/district's AP Coordinator to be submitted to the College Board.

  • Authorization: A course with a finalized and submitted Course Audit Form and an approved syllabus is authorized to use the “AP™” designation on student transcripts.

      • Retention of Authorization: a streamlined Audit process for a school's Course Audit Administrator to use when they have received prior Authorization for an AP course. For AP Computer Science, this requires an Attestation that the teacher will include 12 hours of Create Task lab for AP CSP or 20 hours of lab time for AP CSA in their course.

  • Approval: Permission given by the school's Course Audit Administrator that assures to the College Board (via the Audit Form) that the school's AP course is being taught accurately.


The purpose of the audit is exactly as College Board more, no less. Basically, the College Board's audit purpose is twofold: 1) Provide and verify school administrators and teachers have clear guidelines on curricular resources and, 2) give confidence to colleges and universities that students are being offered a college-level course.

  • Recommendation : submit your initial course audit materials (Audit form and Syllabus) by September will receive faster feedback.


  • John has done numerous course audits:

    • AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Computer Science-A, and AP Computer Science-Principles, AP Statistics and one more.

    • 3 have been rejected on first submissions with comments... that were quickly fixed

    • two have been updated...took all of 5 minutes

    • one doesn't exist and one was pending approval for about a year...feel free to ask why :)

Insight into Creating your own "approved" Curriculum and Syllabus

For most new (& often experienced AP Teachers), the time and effort it often takes to create your own AP CSP content and syllabus that has a curriculum that is aligned with AP CSP is impractical. For this reason, the primary content for Lesson 4 is to offer one resource and an "unreasonable challenge" to any teacher to create their own content and syllabus that will "pass" the Audit Process.


Hint: John has created his own curriculum for AP CSP, AP Statistics, AP CSA, AP Calculus AB and BC. He has also completed and passed 5 Audits over the past 20+ years. He has "failed" 3 of them on his first attempts. At a minimum, it has taken over 40 hours to structure a single course that has an aligned AP curriculum.


If you would like to the challenge of creating your own curriculum for AP CSP, please feel free to let John know as the discussion is beyond the scope of this week's APSI.


Resource at AP Central to identify the requirements to create your own aligned curriculum for AP CSP.



Lesson 4: Participant Activity : [pages 27 - 28]

Learning Goals: (i.e. Can AP CSP teachers ...)

  • Identify curricular requirements that are met in a sample syllabus or in a provider syllabus. 

Knowledge Statements: (i.e. Are AP CSP teachers aware that...)

  • There are specific curricular requirements for AP CSP. Participants must include specific evidence in their syllabus to meet each requirement. 

  • AP CSP has AP Endorsed Providers who have approved syllabi ready to adopt for any teacher who is using their curriculum. 


Option to Read and Complete - Workshop Handbook: Lesson 4: page 27 - 28


Or start planning on your course audit by either:

  • Selecting an Endorsed Provider

  • Claim identical as another Teacher and ask the teacher for their Approved Syllabus Number (usually teachers within the same school/district)

  • Create your own Syllabus but talk to John first.

  • Adopt a Sample Syllabus from College Board (via APCentral)

Lesson 5: Finding Resources and AP Endorsed Providers

Key Understandings

  • 5.B Professional networking can provide teachers with opportunities to discuss teaching strategies, share resources, and connect with each other.


The College Board recognizes that many (if not most) teachers of AP CSP are not content specialists and need significant support to teach their students. Endorsed Providers are organizations that have Computer Science experts who take the AP CSP course and design their own online courses for you to use.

  • The 20+ Endorsed Providers each have their own strengths and weaknesses.

  • You may investigate and decide which, if any, are appropriate for your situation.

  • Each are funded differently and may need attendance at summer (or in-school) workshops of their own.

  • for these reasons, John will avoid biasing you toward one or another Endorsed Provider


AP CSP Resources : By College Board - online support

Resources for Teachers :

College Board - AP CSP Course Website

AP CSP Course Home Page: tertiary menu (3rd level menu below tall, dark- purple-colored banner line)

  • The Course: everything Course and Exam (CED).

  • Course Audit [requires a free Professional Login Account...all teachers must go through the AP CSP Audit process every year. However, following your first Audit, your AP Coordinator (administrator) can usually re-authorize you as the course teacher for the following year. In 2024-25, you may have to submit a "Retention of Authorization" form that merely states that you are aware of the changes to the CED/Exam.

  • Classroom Resources: Endorsed Providers [see Day 2: Lesson 5]

  • The Exam - with Scoring of Sample Students by Chief Reader about a month after AP Reading (i.e. August)

  • Professional Learning [see next section]


College Board - Professional Learning Opportunities

    • Webinars & online sessions for AP Classroom

      Workshops - 1 Day

    • Summer Institutes - 4 Days

    • AP Readings: highly recommended but feel free to ask questions.

    • AP Mentoring : online video chat with your choice of mentor and up to 3 other mentees, 12 hour-long sessions throughout year, non-free (< $900)

    • AP CSP Community [requires free Professional Login Account] online forum to ask questions of many experienced AP teachers...moderated and may receive responses from College Board employees.

    • AP Classroom [requires teacher to have an approved Audit & administrative assigned course]

      • AP Daily Videos

      • AP Daily Instructors (high school) & collegiate-level professor lectures

      • Other Items

        • Question Bank & Online Practice Quizz generation and progress checks

        • Unit Guides (or Topic Guides for AP CSP) & Practice Tests

    • Online Supports for:

      • Student Personalized AP Exam Labels - speeds up Exam-Day preparation

      • Webinars and more

    • Free Pedagogy - Lessons/Projects

      • Projects - CyberSecurity from Learning List

      • Unit - Peeking at JavaScript

      • Unit - Intro to Robotics (Robolab software)

      • Lesson - Artificial Intelligence Overview

      • Lessons - Computer & Internet

      • Lessons - Ethical Use of Computer


Independent Endorsed Providers or "Course-in-a-Can"

  • See AP Central : Classroom Resources (list below is not complete)


    Free (or Grant-funded) Online Courses with Teacher Training support

    • Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC) [aka CS10 at UC Berkeley] - using SNAP! block-based visual learning [drag-n-drop], exploratory & collaborative approach...TRY THIS!!!

    • - daily lessons, videos, tutorials [drag-n-drop], assessments and more...TRY THIS!!

    • CS Matters - Maryland's AP CSP curriculum incorporates a focus on active, inquiry-based learning. The overarching theme of the course is data. Six units are Python-based.

    • Edhesive - partnered with UTeach Institute at U of Texas. Paid one-stop classroom solution for students with a teacher. 40 hours of PD is self-paced. Project-based and authentic problem solving [pseudo-code based]. Lesson plans and pacing guides with scaffolding and student support.

    • Mobile CSP - using App Inventor [drag-n-drop] for Android devices, full curriculum. 50 hours of P


    Multi-course or cross-curricular Providers [usually requires paid PD for teacher]

    • - Comprehensive 6-12 grades online teaching platform for CS. Free for single-teacher to district-wide curriculum and PD.

    • Georgia Tech - Georgia Institute of Technology's AP CSP curriculum using Student-Centered Computing including cross-curricular topics (i.e. math, science) and story-telling. Uses Earsketch for audio and music production and mixing

    • Project Lead The Way (PLTW) - full K-12 STEM program, uses Python


  • Location and Student-specific Teacher Support

    • CodeTrain - presents provincial-specific support for teachers in Canada. Focused on Processing and the Java computer languages

    • AccessCSforAll- developed by University of Washington using Quorum computer language along with curriculum. Specifically desgined to address Neurodivergent Learners.

  • Python-based (may include other languages)

    • AIQ’s AP Computer Science Principles - curriculum has a comprehensive set of tools and hands-on activities. Throughout the course, students will learn using Python programming language. Designed and supported in the UK.

    • - Coding Game using Python & JavaScript. Self-paced course with support from a leader.

    • Cobi - Project-based and Python-based using step-by-step tutorials and real-world connections.

    • CompuScholar - Python-based includes videos, complete teacher and student materials, assessments, projects and one-on-one mentoring for teachers. Can be integrated into Clever or other LMS such as Canvas or Schoology.

    • CS50 - Harvard University's AP CSP curriculum in 8 units. Uses Python & JavaScript [Scratch]

    • Hello World - turn-key classroom solution applying virtual reality and using Python along with CoBlocks, a block-based programming language based on Javascript, students explore and create highly engaging virtual worlds

    • Kira Learning - teaching platform for supporting student learning. Includes additional sequenced courses and topics such as AP CSA and artificial intelligence. Python based.

    • Minecraft and Microsoft MakeCode - free and web-based. The curriculum includes game-based learning using the MakeCode Arcade platform and visual block-based programming environment, with JavaScript and Python

    • NJCTL - New Jersey Center for Teaching & Learning. Uses text-based Python. Activities are designed to get students coding on the first day and have interactive & imbedded practice and assessments. Designed to support a social constructivist learning environment, NJCTL materials make learning engaging and accessible to every student. Materials are also fully editable so teachers can tailor them to meet any individual needs

    • Project STEM and UTeach- from University of Texas at Austin. Utilizes Scratch and Python. Includes 40 hours self-paced PD

    • Tynker - Python-based. Full year course curriculum with automatic grading and virtual training for teachers.

  • Other (possibly non-Free)

    • Apple with Swift : Five days training, teaching materials, meals during training, and online support throughout the school year.

    • Barobo - UC Davis's virtual/online robot programming learning management system via block-based coding.

    • Rex K-12 - emphasis on collaboration & creativity through hands-on projects. Flexible curriculum.

    • Urban Arts - students create their own video game including music, art, and storytelling using Unity and C# over 108 hours of instructions.



Resources for Students :


AP CSP Student Website :

AP CSP Student Website :

  • Future careers and college majors

  • Enrollment requirements [usually complete Algebra 1]

  • Exam scores, fees and reductions

  • Practice for Exam

  • Sample activities

  • FAQs


  • Early in Course:

    1. Teacher creates Electronic Professional Login (EPL) and creates a AP Digital Portfolio Class Setup which generates a Class ID.

    2. Student creates login and signs on to teacher's class using the class ID. Teacher then "enrolls" student into their course.

    3. Student indicates intent to take the end-of-course exam. This generates a student "AP Number" which will be needed for Performance Task submissions.

  • March (approx)

    1. AP Coordinator orders the AP CSP Exams and receives a list of student names and AP Numbers.

    2. AP Coordinator provides students with their "AP Number." Students must enter their AP Number for their AP Digital Portfolio to confirm that they are planning on taking the Written Exam.

    3. Students who fail to enter their AP Number will not have their Performance Tasks (i.e. Create Task) scored.

  • 15 April : suggested Draft/Final online submissions of Create and Performance Task

    • Draft submissions can now be reviewed by teacher

    • Final submissions should be checked by teacher ONLY for:

      1. Plagiarism (have evidence)

      2. Corrupt file (return to student)

      3. Wrong file (return to student)

    • Final PPR can be given to students in order to write & score practice Written Exam prompts (1 set of 4 prompts in CED, 1 set of 4 prompts from each of 3 Practice Exams available on AP Classroom)

  • College Board's Schedule (note: CB publish next year's dates after AP Reading is finished)

    • traditionally : 30 April (midnight EST): last day to submit Final Create Task [PC, V, PPR]

      • since pandemic, this has changed each year.

      • Create Task submission may be due 1 week prior to Written Exam , 11:59pm EDT

    • traditionally : early-to-mid May for 3 hour Written Exam [70 Multiple Choice Questions, 4 Create Task Prompts using PPR]


Approved Textbook List (see AP Central's Course website): generally AP CSP does not use a to John if your district requires a physical textbook.

List of other "unofficial" websites used by other teachers/organizations

Lesson 5: Participant Activity : [pages 29 - 30]

Learning Goals: (i.e. Can AP CSP teachers ...)

  • Join the Online AP Teacher Community for CSP. 

  • Identify supports available to teachers of AP CSP.

  • Locate opportunities for professional development.

Knowledge Statements: (i.e. Are AP CSP teachers aware that...)

  • College Board provides AP CSP teachers with additional support through a variety of networking tools, resources, and professional development opportunities. 

  • AP CSP has several AP endorsed providers who offer a complete curriculum that is 100% aligned to the course content, professional development for teachers, and an approved syllabus for their teachers to adopt. 


Read and Complete - Workshop Handbook: Lesson 5: page 29 - 30 [if enough time]


Afternoon Session : Unit Planning and Instructional Approaches

Lesson 6: Unit Planning

Key Understandings

  • 2.A Sequencing, pacing, and scaffolding are essential for building students’ understanding and their ability to transfer and apply knowledge and skills to new contexts.

  • 2.C The needs of all willing and academically prepared students should be considered when planning, sequencing, pacing, and scaffolding the course.

  • 2.D AP endorsed providers have carefully unpacked the AP CSP big ideas and skills into units or modules where the content and skills are scaffolded for students.

  • 3.A Teachers need a deep understanding of content and its applications in order to adapt their instructional strategies or endorsed provider curriculum to address the different needs of students.

  • 3.C Students need multiple opportunities, in different settings or modes, to practice skills in order to develop mastery over time.


Personal Advice as You start to design YOUR course this week

  • Actionable Advice (keeping Lists)

    1. List - Software (select a Programming Language) and Hardware Needs

      • for yourself, students, and IT personnel

        include primary resource links and cost (if any)

    2. List - Network and Computer Needs for student work at home

      • videos ( and audio?) need high speed internet

        see CB Equity and Access's a teacher habit!

    3. List - Prioritized websites of other teachers/organizations...see next tab for some ideas

      [or start with a student self-paced or "course-in-a-can" options...some may cost $]

  • General Planning Advice

    1. KISS Principle - Keep It Simple and focused on Students...let the students do the investigations!

    2. RE-USE what you already have...

      • ...if you do Web Design then add JavaScript

        ...if you don't have enough time this year, start with one of the "Course-in-a-Can" option listed above or grab projects/assignments from other teachers [use the AP Community!] or have your students show you!

    3. When you have 9 hours, try a Create Performance Task on your own. You probably won't be able to a "great" job your first time so plan for a humbling experience and multi-year effort!

    4. So challenge your students to explore, critique, and do better than you (be a "lazy" teacher), and then share!

      • Students LOVE bonus points for showing up the teacher...but do it as part of your classroom design ["Gold Star"] and don't use it too often.

    5. Course Plan and Performance Task Resources given to students in John's Course:

      • Create Performance Plan including:

        • condensed requirements for students

        • MS Word Template for students with side markup/comments (specifications):

        • classroom and AP scoring,

        • AP rubric/scoring guidelines (updated yearly)

        • decision ruling and scoring notes...updated almost yearly

        • commentary from Readers/Chief Reader

Official Scoring Guidelines (rubrics)

  • Create Performance Task - circle verbs, underline nouns in the Task Directions column

  • or just give photocopy to students


Lesson 6: Participant Activity : [pages 31 - 41]

Learning Goals: (i.e. Can AP CSP teachers ...)

  • Plan instruction that builds skills across multiple unit topics and makes connections among multiple enduring understandings. 

  • Explain how topics will interact with and complement one another.

  • Begin developing a semester or yearlong plan for teaching AP Computer Science Principles or adopt an endorsed provider curriculum to do so.

Knowledge Statements: (i.e. Are AP CSP teachers aware that...)

  • AP CSP has numerous AP endorsed providers who offer a complete curriculum that is 100% aligned to the course content, professional development for teachers, and an approved syllabus for their teachers to adopt as part of their first AP Audit.

  • Students should be progressively challenged, just beyond where they are, to apply their knowledge and skills in different contexts to deepen their understanding. 

  • Understanding is earned over time.

  • Building a yearlong course plan requires careful consideration in order to ensure teachers will have enough time to sequence instruction.


Read and Complete [as much as you can!]- Workshop Handbook: Lesson 6: page 31 - 41


Misconception Issues :

  • Often, teachers assign tasks without teaching the skills to complete the task...frustration is often a sign of this aspect of creating computer programs and answering questions regarding code..

    • Modeling Tasks helps

    • Start with a very simple task...then see where it leads.

    • Breaking Tasks down, scaffolding, and feedback on "safe" practice tasks minimizes frustration and maximizes skill development.



Lesson 6 & 7 : Participant Activity : Beginner's Create Performance Task with Instructional Approach



    Review the Create Task Requirements and make notes or ask questions to help clarify the Create Performance Task expectations [Modeling Strategy: re-emphasizing of Lesson 2 and 3...example of spiraling next day]

    Create Performance Task : online submission in April, 30% of AP CSP score on Written Exam in May

    1. (PC) Final Program Code (created Independently or Collaboratively)

    2. (V) Video displaying running of student program and demonstrates functionality student developed (created independently)

    3. (PPR) Personal Project Reference (created Independently): selected Code Segments selected individually from their Program Code by student without comments that fulfill specific requirements:

      • procedural algorithm : sequence, selection, iteration

      • abstractions : a List and Procedure

      • PPR to be printed by AP Coordinator and given to students during 3rd hour of Written Exam.

      • Students use their PPR to answer 4 specific Prompts (i.e. 4 questions) during 3rd hour of Written Exam.

    4. prior to 2024

      (IWR) Independently Written Response [750 word limit for combined written parts exclusive of Program Code] in 18 different boxes. Collaboration is NOT allowed.

        Part 3a. Provide a written response. Approx. 150 words combined in 3 subparts

        • i. Describe overall purpose. Why did YOU write the whole program?
        • ii. Describe functionality of program demonstrated in video. How does the program work as seen in your video?
        • iii. Describe input & output of program demonstrated in video

        Part 3b. Paste two program code segments that contains a list (or other collection type) being used to manage complexity. Approx. . 200 words combined in 5 subparts, exclusive of Code

        • i. Code segment that shows how data have been stored in the list
        • ii. A second code segment that show the data in the same list being used as part of fulfilling the programs purpose.
        • iii. Identify the name of the list.
        • iv. Describe what the data contained in the list represents.
        • v. Explain how the selected list manages complexity by explaining why program could not be written, or how it would be written differently, if the list was not used.

        Part 3c. Paste two program code segments that contains a procedure that implements an algorithm and a call to that procedure. Approx. 200 words combined in 4 subparts, exclusive of Code

        • i. Code segment developed by student that :
          • defines procedure's name and return type (if necessary)
          • Contains and uses one or more parameters that have an effect on the fuunctionality of the procedure
          • Implements an algorithm that includes sequencing, selection, and iteration.
        • ii. A second code segment that shows where the procedure is called.
        • iii. [with part iv] Describe in general what identified procedure does and how it contributes to the overall functionality
        • iv [with part iii] Explain in detailed steps how the algorithm implemented in the procedure works. Explanation must be detailed enough for someone else to recreate it.

        Part 3d. Provide a written response. Approx. 200 words combined in 3 subparts.

        • i. Describes two calls to the procedure identified in written response 3c. Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute.
          • First call:
          • Second call:
        • ii.Describes what condition(s) is being tested by each call to the procedure.
          • Condition(s) tested by the first call:
          • Condition(s) tested by the second call:
        • iii. Identifies the result of each call.
          • Result of the first call:
          • Result of the second call:
  1. Iteration 1 : PB&J Create Task focused on Algorithm with Spiral and Scaffolds ...identify use of UbD this week.

    The Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich Algorithm : Individual "creative" solution to a problem.

    • On a piece of paper, describe in English (or any human-based language) at least 7 steps that someone could follow to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (PB&J). Assume the person following your list of instructions is as "dumb" as a computer.

    • After your student's sequence of instructions are written down, encourage a re-writing and refining using Computer Science terms such as "select" "if", "iterate", "list", and "sequence"

    Note: In some contexts, food can be a culturally sensitive topic. If PB&J is offensive to you or someone you know--especially your students--please let John know...any simple food recipe that students are familiar with and enjoy will work pedagogically for learning about algorithmic development and learning the Create Task.

  2. [skip for 2024] Overview of One Sample : searching AP Central

    Find the most recent AP CSP Reading Sample on AP Central : AP CSP : Exam Menu... note that the format may not be the same is specified in most-recent CED

Lesson 7: Reviewing the Instructional Approaches

Key Understandings

  • 3.B Utilizing effective instructional strategies, like debriefing, helps develop the course skills and content knowledge.


Lesson 7: Participant Activity : [pages 45 - 46]

Learning Goals: (i.e. Can AP CSP teachers ...)

  • Use the Instructional Approaches to develop teaching strategies for the course content and skills. 

  • Apply an instructional strategy when approaching course content and skills.

  • Deliver instruction that is engaging to all students, particularly underrepresented minorities and female students.

Knowledge Statements: (i.e. Are AP CSP teachers aware that...)

  • Instructional strategies may be used to develop and deepen student understanding. 

  • Teachers need a deep understanding of content and skills in order to adapt their instructional strategies to address the different needs of students. 

  • Targeted instructional strategies help students master the skills used in the course and should be aligned with the learning objectives of the lesson. 

  • Multiple instructional strategies should be used throughout the course in order to reach and challenge all learners. 


In Lesson 7, we will focus on two Instructional Strategies:

  1. Use one Multiple-Choice Sample Question to help learn an Instructional Approach :

    1. Turn to page 182 : Investigate Sample Question 18 & identify the corresponding Learning Objective (see Page 183).

    2. Turn to page 132 read the Definition, Purpose, and Example of the first Strategy called "Code tracing"

    3. Select one other Instructional Strategy that is unfamiliar to you and read the Definition, Purpose, and Example of that Instructional Strategy.

    4. Discuss or record what you have learned (or not understood).


Complete Lesson 7 : Review of Instructional Approaches [page 45-46]...but first


  1. CED pages 132-139 : Review the "structure" of the Instructional Strategies

    • p. 132 is "Programming & Problem Solving"

    • p. 135 is "Cooperative Learning"

    • p. 138 is "Making Connections"

  2. CED pages. 140-151 : Review the "structure" of the Practice->Skills standards and the applied Instructional Stragegies, Task/Questions & Sample Activities


Considerations and Examples :

  • Consider teaching techniques such as scoffolding ["easier" assignments that grow naturally to generate more complex assignments]

  • Consider how students will design and develop a Create task [Students MUST do the Create Task WITHOUT YOUR HELP]

      • software development life-cycle or engineering design process:

        • identify problem -> plan -> design/tools -> create/implement -> evaluate/test -> document/analysis

      • educational design process:

        • plan -> implement -> reflect -> revise

  • Examples of effective and ineffective Instructional Approaches :

    • Long lectures - ineffective unless student attention spans are "trained" appropriately and can already work independently [or homework is "easy/basic/simplistic"]

    • Handouts - Scoring Guidelines & Timelines specifying Software Development Process, Sample work followed by Examples (repeated throughout course]

  • Examples of Computational Tools used by John [scaffolding with minimal teacher instruction]

    • Encodings - students learn about basic encodings then create their own ciphers or encodings of their own names

      Activity : Binary & Encodings EK2.1.1 C, D, E, & G

      Each requires 1 printed sheet & 1 blank sheet: Modeling Strategy


      1. Encoding - Binary Representation of a Number - Encode your Birth Month in Binary

      2. Encoding - Binary Representation of a Character - Encode Your Name in Binary

        1. Level 1 - Using 5 bits to encode the letters of the alphabet using: 'a'=00000 to 'z'=11001=25

          Example: "john" = 9 14 6 13 in decimal = 01001 01110 00110 01101 in binary

        2. Level 2 - Using the ASCII/ANSI code of 8 bits = 1 byte = 1 character to encode typewritten characters

          Example: "john" = 106 111 104 110 in decimal = 01101010 01101111 01101000 01101110

        3. Level 3 - Using the Unicode to Latin1 to encode character code sets (requires Hexadecimal)

          Example: "john" = 6a 6f 68 6e in Hexadecimal

      3. Encoding - Binary Representation of Color - Encode Your Name as a Color

        1. Level 1 - Encode "purple" as an Red-Green-Blue (RGB) value in binary (note: 8 bits = 1 primary color, 24 bits total)

        2. Level 2 - Use your ASCII/ANSI 8-bit, binary-encoded name to discover "your colors." Use 3 bytes (3 characters) per RGB color (1 byte = 1 character)

          Example: "john" = 6a 6f 68

        3. Level 3 - Use website CSS color values to specify the color of your name (requires Hexadecimal)


      Other Number Encodings Worksheets


    • 3D Visualizations - using PovRay for photorealistic programming using raytracing

    • Javascript+HTML5 - basic webpages to advanced interactive websites (including JQuery)

    • Robocode - design and program tanks in a 2D environment using Java - great for basic and advanced trigonometry


At the end of Day 2, can you... [if not, ask John!]

Lesson 4 : AP Curricular Requirements

  • Complete the following statement: "The curricular requirements ensure that the AP instructor teaches a ..."?

  • Explain what an AP CSP Syllabus contains?

  • Explain what you must do for the Audit Process and to get your course Approved?

  • Decide if you will either develop your own syllabus or adopt an Endorsed Providers's syllabus?

  • Explain the following terms & concepts: digital activation, alignment to CED, scaffolding, and spiraling?

Lesson 5 : Finding Resources & AP Endorsed Providers

  • Identify the one item that is not part of professional networking opportunities: discuss teaching strategies, share resources, define & understand content

  • List the main resources/headings available on AP Central course home page?

  • Identify and find links on AP Central all of the Endorsed Providers websites?

  • Explain the following resource terms: official, endorsed, approved, and recommended?

  • Explain EAID?

    Hint: Equity, Access, Inclusion, Diversity

Lesson 6 : Unit Planning

  • Identify the Key Understandings Codes (i.e. Numbers and Letters) for Lesson 6?

  • Identify the key features of an Advanced Placement course?

  • List the following in order specified by Understanding-by-Design (UbD) : course plans (lesson & unit), assessment, standards (content & practice)

Lesson 7 : Instructional Approaches

  • Explain at least 2 Instructional Approaches that you have used or are familiar with?

  • Identify at least 3 new Instructional Approaches you are willing to learn or try?


Daily Checkout : Day 2